Gum Surgery

What Exactly Is
Gum Surgery

Periodontics is a branch of dentist which focuses primarily on the gums, which include gingiva, alveolar bone surrounding the tooth, periodontal ligament and cementum .The dental specialist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases is known as PERIODONTIST . At our center Periodontist performs gum surgery.

Like the roots of a tree keep holding, likewise, gums hold the tooth .If the gums are weak, the tooth will become mobile (starts moving). Unlike teeth, gum diseases do not show any pain or discomfort. They are silent.

Gum surgeries can be performed because of aesthetic or functional purposes, or for both. Various surgeries done are:-

  • OPERCULECTOMY:  It is removal of operculum (soft tissue / gums covering the wisdom teeth) preventing further inflammation and food accumulation which may lead to infection. 
  • FLAP SURGERY: When the gums become swollen due to sub gingival accumulation of calculus, flap surgery is to be done to remove calculus so that the teeth the teeth and gums are harmed further.
  • Frenecectony :Frenum or frenulum is a thin soft tissue which attaches the tongue is called lingual frenum and the other fernum which runs between gums and check is called buccal frenum. Frenectomy can be done for esthetic and functional proposes 
  • Ankyloglossia :Ankyloglossia or ‘ tongue tie is present in a child since birth . In this condition the lingual frenum is attached till the tip of the tongue and therefore the child cannot speak properly. Therefore the attachment of the tongue has to be removed partially from the floor of the month for free movement of the tongue.
  • Thick frenum attachment: this treatment is generally done for esthetic proposes when the labial frenum is attached high, it leads to spacing in central incisors, which may not appear pleasing to the patient. For correcting the diastema ,frenectomy has to be done.
  • Esthetic gum surgery: The column (gray / black) and contour of the gums can be change with the help of gums to idle the smile more pleasing.
  • Gingivectomy : Excess and overgrown gums tissue is removed to improve aesthetics and to make it easier to keep surface of teeth clean.
  • Gum graft: Tissue is taken from roof of the mouth and stitched in to place on either side of the tooth that is exposed due to gums that are receding. this reduces sensitivity


Does gum surgery pain ?

Like any other surgery of mouth, it is performed under local anesthesia and is pain less .Healing may take 5 to 7 days and recovery is painless after taking medication.

What are chances of good result of periodontal surgery?

IT depends on:

  1. Extent of severity of case.
  2. Post-operative patient self-care& oral hygiene.
  3. Whether patient is suffering from any systemic disorders such as diabetes .

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    Dental problems are often neglected by common people mostly because of lack of awareness and sometimes because no pain is present. If the problem worsens, people prefer to get the tooth removed. This is very important to understand that each tooth of the 32 teeth has its own importance and work. Rightly said, each tooth is as precious as a diamond. They should be valued Dentistry has power to save each and every tooth. 

    People who take oral health for granted should understand the importance of food they choose to eat as our mouth is gateway to our overall health.

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